Anyway, so now I am finally getting back to "blogging it up" and I HAVE SO MUCH TO TELL YOU. :) I stayed away on that island, all alone, until I was fully recovered, I had to, my stuff had to get back home. I alternated between resting, writing that silly long first blog post you may have endured - and practicing piano. I recorded a bunch of my "playing" into my trusty H4N Digital Recorder using the busted old piano they had in the house - which sounded good enough for the likes of me. Good enough to want to record it even, (there's no accounting for judgement here). But I actually love listening to the recordings because I am talking to myself the whole time, which is hilarious. (Probably just to me.) Maybe I will release the bootleg. The fridge full o' booze didn't hurt either - of course, I waited to partake until I was off the anti-inflamatories because I read labels - as should you. 'Nuff said.
After healing and finally putting down the old wooden cane I found in the house that first night - I had a great last few days partying like a rock star and I realized I wasn't alone, there were birds of a hundred varieties and dock spiders and ducks and fish - including an enormous carp species swimming in schools around the dock from time-to-time, deer in the fields, squirrels, snakes, turtles, minks, a porcupine and me - having the time of my life. But all good things must come to an end and soon me and my stuff where homeward bound.
I decided to keep the party going the day after I got home with my "it's five o'clock somewhere" routine, cracking a left-over vacation beer a little too early that day - and of course, one beer leads to another... - which eventually resulted in me wanting to finally try my hands at performing at the open mic in the next town over. Alcohol will make you do stupid things for sure but if I was ever gonna do it, now was the time.
But before I talk about that disaster - here's a little about me and my motivation to write this blog, I play a little piano, blues mostly, some pop tunes, some rock tunes, nothing special - I love to see live music and would love to be HALF as talented as the local musicians I can't seem to get enough of. There is an INCREDIBLE local music scene here in Westchester, NY and in my opinion there's nothing as fun as seeing live music in these small venues where you can hang out with the rock stars that just melted your face. I love these people, they are my people.
My motivation on writing this blog: So a while back, before my vaca, I decided to try and do something to promote and support this awesome local music scene - and anyone, anywhere who does this kind of thing --- so a million ideas later I decided to start this blog. Why a blog? What can a blog do? Read the book that got me stoked and u will understand: "Arianna Huffington's Guide to Blogging".
Hey check it out, I made the pic into a link that will take you to Amazon so you can buy the book - and if you DO buy it, I will make like three cents off of your purchase(!) - see, this is working out already. You can do this too by becoming an Amazon Associate, the link building is really simple too. This pic was taken with my GoPro2 camera. For more info on the GoPro, check out my other blog, The Fly Camera Dude.
So this blog is about me, a frustrated wanna-be rock star, pushing 50, wanting to share all kinds of silly ideas about music and what might be possible using today's technology, the web, cell phones, video, tweeting, blogging and anything else that relates even vaguely to musicians like me - and musicians not like me - in an attempt to give back and possibly help my fellow musicians and friends. I will be bouncing between this and my other blogs and everything will hopefully relate in some logical way for anyone bothering to come aboard. More on that later.
: )
Hey check it out, I made the pic into a link that will take you to Amazon so you can buy the book - and if you DO buy it, I will make like three cents off of your purchase(!) - see, this is working out already. You can do this too by becoming an Amazon Associate, the link building is really simple too. This pic was taken with my GoPro2 camera. For more info on the GoPro, check out my other blog, The Fly Camera Dude.
So this blog is about me, a frustrated wanna-be rock star, pushing 50, wanting to share all kinds of silly ideas about music and what might be possible using today's technology, the web, cell phones, video, tweeting, blogging and anything else that relates even vaguely to musicians like me - and musicians not like me - in an attempt to give back and possibly help my fellow musicians and friends. I will be bouncing between this and my other blogs and everything will hopefully relate in some logical way for anyone bothering to come aboard. More on that later.
ALSO: I am going to ask all sorts of people to join me. I am suggesting all my friends and colleagues to read "Arianna Huffington's guide to Blogging" as a starting point and, afterwards, see if they feel as empowered as I do - and, if so, join me in the quest to give something back - in some small way - to whoever THEY call "their people". You might just find that by helping others you will help yourself.
: )